Adobe Photoshop Magic Wand Tool

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Magic Wand Toolbar
     The toolbar for the Magic Wand tool allows you to first set any presets for the magic wand tool. With the next set of buttons you can specify whether to add a new selection, add to an existing selection, subtract from a selection, or select an area intersected by other selections. The cursor for the magic wand changes depending on which option that you choose.
      The tolerance value determines the amount of difference in pixel color that will be included in the selection. The tolerance values range form 0 to 255. A lower number in this setting will select only the colors that are within the pixel range of the tolerance level. A higher number will select colors with more variation from the original color that you click on for the selection.
     Checking the Anti-aliased box will give the selection a smoother edge. With the box un-checked, there is a sharper edge on the selection.
     To select only adjacent areas using the same colors, select Contiguous. Otherwise, all pixels using the same colors will be selected.
     Placing a mark in the Use All Layers box will sample the colors of all layers of the image. Otherwise it will only use the active layer to make the selection.
     If you have a subject in an image that is a consistent color, then the Magic Wand tool is probably the best tool to use to select the subject. It is just a matter of setting the correct tolerance values and clicking on the subject.

Next...The Crop Tool
Author: AB 
Date created: December 21, 2002
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