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Henry County Genealogical Services

New Castle, IN 1865
Why it is so.

New Castle Courier - 1865

    New castle is one of the sweetest dry land towns in Indiana, and is picturesquely located on the east bank of Blue river, a navigable mill stream,----- New Castle knocks the socks off all of the other one horse towns in the county, and has spread herself so of late, as to extend eastwardly, clear to the other side of the Great Eastern R. R., which is about six feet wide and three hundred miles long. New Castle has been the making of this road. East New Castle, sometimes called 'Christian Ridge', contains two or three lawyers and many fine people, one depot, a warehouse, cooper shop, and other public buildings. Southwardly, New Castle has spread herself clear to the tollgate, and includes what is known as Texas, the brickyard, fair ground, and etc.
    New Castle is building two more railroads, and several turnpikes make close connection here; she is also supporting several fine schools where they "yank" the boys like blazes when they don't mind the Master.
    New Castle pays an awful lot sight of tax, but by an arrangement with the officers, never gets on the "delinquent list." New Castle is improving very much in substantial residences, commodious business houses, blacksmith shops and the like.
    Several county officers live here, because it is the handiest place in the county. They make pretty good citizens, are useful in many ways, but their salaries are so low that not one of them was ever able to build a house in the place.


    Subscribe to the Courier, the best family newspaper in the county--- terms $2.00 in advance, and the editor having the ague wants a few dollars immediately for a tonic.

Elwood Pleas-----Editor - 1865

2001 UEB

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